
Battlefield has mastered the multi-player experience, and they are trying to perfect the single-player campaign as well. Many players opt out of the campaign and they dive straight into the multi-player matches, myself included, but the story mode shouldn’t be forgotten altogether. To watch the official trailer so you can make the decision yourself click here.


Battlefield has a heart-thumping soundtrack that fully immerses the player. Firefights feel more heated and dire with the fast-paced beats. The sound track was composed by Johan Skugge and Jukka Rintamaki as well as a track by Rami. To listen to the the full soundtrack visit this video and if you want to buy the full soundtrack you can visit this iTunes page.


We like to support all of the Battlefield titles which includes the upcoming Battlefield:Hardline game. This is a classic game of cops and robbers with a few twists.The new title includes fast-paced heists as the robbers, or adrenaline-pumping defense as the cops. New game modes are going to be introduced that will take Battlefield to new level. To read more visit the offical site.

Shoot people.